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Important Updates for Ex serviceman & Dependents

             पूर्व सैनिक और आश्रितों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण अपडेट

Important Updates for Ex serviceman & Dependents



1.                      Layout.           The folder is laid out in three broad parts as follows:-


(a)                  Part I.      Immediate actions on demise of serving soldier or veteran.


(b)                  Part II.     Entitlements and actions required.


(c)                  Part III.    Personal financial documents & Information.


2.                      Recommended Actions by Serving Soldier and Veteran. An individual needs to know the fact that, while he/she is leading a happy life with family in terms of various assets as well as finances, need to ask following important questions:-


(a)                  Does my family has adequate knowledge, confidence & know how to go through the traumatic times on my demise?


(b)                 Does my family know what all actions are required to be done on my demise?


(c)                  Does   my   family   know   whom   to   contact   for what purpose on my demise?


(d)                 Does my family know what all are they supposed to get after my demise?


(e)                  While I have adequate assets & finances, will my family get what is rightfully theirs after me?


(f)                   Does my family know where and how many assets I have created for them?


(g)                 Does my family know how to get what is entitled to them?


3.                      This folder provides a structure for various actions as well as personal/ financial information. It is suggested that all serving soldiers and veterans personalize the booklet as applicable to them and keep a hard copy of the same.




Army No/JC No



(Including MACP/ Hony)




Date of Birth


Place of Birth


Blood Group




Aadhaar No


Aadhaar Linked Mobile No


Driving License No


Expiry Date


Passport No


Expiry Date


Email ID


Addl Mobile No




Corr PPO


Log in ID of SPARSH


Voter ID Card No






Place of Birth


Date of Birth


Blood Group




Telephone/ Mobile Nos


Aadhaar No


Aadhaar Linked Mobile No


Email ID


Voter ID Card No


Passport No


Expiry Date


Driving License No


Expiry Date


Bank A/C Details (Single Account)


Bank & Branch


Debit Card Details


Credit Card Details






Name of Child

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Blood Group














First Child

Second Child

Third Child

Telephone Nos












Aadhaar No




Aadhaar Linked Mobile No




Voter ID Card No




Passport No & Expiry




Driving License No




Bank A/C




Debit Card




Credit Card




Medical / Other Insurance











Documents to be Checked and Held by the Family

Special Attention/Remarks

Checked on/ Observation

Part II Order of Marriage

Part II Order must contain :-

*  Maiden name of lady

*  Date &place of marriage

*  Rites/law

*  Date of Birth of lady

*  Name of parents

*  Nationality


Part    II   Orders          for each          child


Part II Order must contain :-




Date & place of birth



Name of mother

Declaration of Special child, if applicable



Part    II   Order          for          NOK/change

of    NOK:

In     respect     of     each     family


Aadhaar, PAN & Passport (if held)


member who are dependent

Copy of WILL

Nominate Spouse


Nomination for DCRG



Nomination for AGIF

Do nominate parents for some share of Insurance


Nomination for AFPP Fund

Nominate Spouse


Details of Joint Bank Salary Account for DSP Benefits

MOU with banks


Provident Fund Linked Insurance Policy, if any



EI Cert No & Date



Movable/Immovable Property



CSD Cards



Dependent Cards



Present Medical Category






PPO No & Date of Issue



Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation (ORBO)



SPARSH ID and Password

Should know how to report Death/missing and initiate Family Pension Claim in SPARSH



Disch Book No & Issue Date



Veteran/Dependent Card No & Issue Date










1.                        Inform.     Death of a Serving Soldier or veteran to be intimated/informed as under:-


(a)                     Serving Soldier.       NOK, present unit, Record Office & Fmn HQs in chain.


(b)                     Veteran.      Zila Sainik Board, Record Office, Nearest Stn HQ & Dependent URC.


2.                        Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation (ORBO) If the deceased had registered with an ORBO for donation of organs, they should be informed immediately to do the needful.


3.                        Time, Date and Place of Funeral. The date, time and place of funeral be decided immediately and informed to all concerned including Zila Sainik Board, Unit and Welfare Officer of dependent CSD Canteen for providing assistance.


4.                        Arrange. A vehicle/hearse be arranged for carrying the body. Besides, material required for cremation also to be arranged.


5.                        Cremation Certificate.              Certificate from the cremation ground authority be obtained as it is submitted to Municipal Authority for Registration of Births and Deaths for issuing of the Death Certificate.


6.                        Death Certificate. Obtain death certificate/documents from the Hospital/Attending Doctor or a Registered Medical Practitioner, as the case may be.






Stake Holders

Contact Nos


Inform Relatives




Inform Organ Donation




Decide Date, Time & Place of Cremation




Obtain Cremation Certificate




Obtain Death Certificate




Register Death with Birth/Death Registrar









1.                        Intimation of Death.       Death of a serving soldier or veteran is to be intimated/ informed at the earliest to large number of authorities as per suggested list given below:-



Organisation/ Authority

Contact Nos

In case of death due to an accident, necessary for Insurance/ Compensation

Nearest Police Station


For initiation of procedure of release of terminal benefits

Concerned Record Office


For start of Family Pension

SPARSH Portal (For Veterans)/ PCDA (P)

Sample at Appx ‘A’

For start of Family Pension


Sample at Appx ‘B’

For rel of Insurance Amount


Detls of AGIF benefits are placed at Appx ‘C’

For rel of extended insurance amt


Sample at Appx ‘D’

Intimated of Demise

Unit & Centre

Sample at Appx ‘E’ & ‘F’

For settlement of deposits of Post Office/PLI

Post Office


For Widow Identity Card

Zila/Rajya Sainik Welfare Board

Sample at Appx ‘G’

For CSD Cards

Dependent URC

Sample at Appx ‘H’

Issuance of ECHS Cards

Regional HQ of ECHS


Issue of Service Particulars

Record Office

Sample at Appx ‘J’

For transfer of property/

tax particulars/change of mutation

Municipal Authority


Finalisation of Income tax return of deceased

Bank Manager


For settlement loans, encashment of FDRs, other banking issues

Bank Manager


For transfer of claims in respect of policies of deceased

Insurance companies


For transfer of Private Weapon (if held)

Licensing Authority


For obtaining Probate of Will and Succession Certificate







1.                        The NOK is entitled a number of emoluments as follows :-

(a)                     Family Pension. The NOKs are authorized Family Pension in case they are dependent as per the guidelines. Amount of pension depends on the circumstances under which an individual expires. As per extant rules and policies, casualties are classified based on different circumstances as follows:-

(i)                       Category A (Ordinary Family Pension (OFP)). Death or disability due to natural causes, neither attributable nor aggravated by military service. Examples are ailments due to diseases, chronic ailments like heart, renal diseases and prolonged illness, accidents while not on duty.


(ii)                      Category B (Special Family Pension (SFP)) Death or disability due to causes which are attributable or aggravated by military service. Examples are diseases contracted because of continued exposure to hostile work environment, extreme weather conditions or occupational hazards.


(iii)                     Category C (Special Family Pension (SFP)). Death or disability due to accidents in performance of duties like :-


(aa)           Accidents while travelling on duty in government Vehicles. (ab)                 Accidents during air journeys.

(ac)                 Mishap at sea while on duty. (ad)                 Electrocution while on duty.

(ae)           Accidents during participation in organized sports events/ adventure activities/expedition/training.


(iv)                    Category D (Liberalised Family Pension (LFP)). Death or disability due to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, anti-social elements etc whether on duty or not. Bomb blast in public places or transport, indiscriminate shooting in public etc. Death while providing aid to civil authority during natural calamities.


(v)                      Category E (Liberelised Family Pension (LFP)) Death due to :-


(aa)           Enemy action in international war.

(ab)           During deployment as part of UN mission. (ac)                 Border Skirmishes.

(ad)                 Laying/ Clearing of mines. (ae)                 Accidental explosion of mines.

(af)            War like situation, including cases which are attributable to/aggravated by Extremist acts, Battle Inoculation, Demonstration with live ammunition, kidnapping by extremists, poisoning of water by enemy agents while on operational duty, act of violence by extremists while on duty, aid to civil authority, operations specially notified by the government from time to time. Flying op involved in rehearsing of war plans and impl of Op instructions inclusive of International exercises. All combat and Tactical Sorties in preparation of war.




(b)                     Based on the above categories, types of pension and rates are given in the following table :-




Type of Family Pension

Rate of Pension


Cat ‘A’

Enhanced OFP/OFP

50% of Reckonable Emoluments (RE) till 10 Yrs, thereafter 30%


Cat ‘B’

Special Family Pension

60% of RE


Cat ‘C’

Special Family Pension

60% of RE


Cat ‘D’

Liberalised Family Pension

Equal to last drawn RE


Cat ‘E’

Liberalised Family Pension

Equal to last Drawn RE


(c)                     Ex-gratia Lump-Sum Compensation.           It is granted to the JCOs/OR died in circumstances mentioned below :-



Amount (Rs)

Dealing Agency

Death due to accidents in course of duties



through Record Office

Death in the course of duties attributable to acts of violence by terrorists etc


Death occurring during enemy action in war or


border skirmishes or in action against militants,



terrorists etc



Death occurring while on duty in the specified High



Altitude, inaccessible border posts, etc on account



of natural disasters, extreme weather conditions



Death occurring during enemy action in war or war



like engagements specifically notified





(d)                     Death Gratuity.        It is admissible to the NOK as per following rates:-


Length of Qualifying Service

Rate of Death Gratuity

Dealing Agency

Less than one year

Two times of monthly emoluments


through Record Office

One year or more but less than five years

Six times of monthly emoluments

Five years or more but less than eleven years

12 times of monthly emoluments

Eleven years or more but less than twenty years

Twenty times of monthly emoluments

Twenty years or more

Half months emoluments for every six monthly of qualifying services subject to a max of 33 times of emoluments or Rs 20 lakhs

whichever is less


(e)                     AGIF benefits.




Description/Miscellaneous Entitlements

Amount (Rs)

Dealing Agency


Army Group Insurance (AGI) Cover

Rs 50 Lakhs



AGI Maturity

As per contribution

(f)                       Miscellaneous Entitlements.




Description/Miscellaneous Entitlements

Amount (Rs)

Dealing Agency


Leave Encashment

As per total number of days accumulated



Final Settlement of Accounts

As applicable




As per contribution



Personal Accident Insurance

As applicable

Concerned Bank

2.                        Entitlements of Widow on Remarriage


(a)                     OFP.        Continues to be payable to a childless widow.


(b)                     SFP. Continues to be payable to the widow provided she continues to maintain the children. In case, she does not maintain the children, pension is divided equally between widow and the eldest eligible child. The widow continues to draw full pension on remarriage in case there is no child borne out of wedlock.

(c)                      LFP.  Continues to be payable to widow subject to her supporting the children. In case she does not maintain the children, pension is divided between widow and the eldest child in the ratio of 30% and 60% resp. The widow to draw full pension on remarriage in case there is no child borne out of wedlock.


3.                        Pension Entitlements to Dependents


(a)                     Special Dependent Pension. Admissible to the parents in case the deceased is not survived by widow or children. It is computed at 50% of the SFP that would have been admissible to the widow, i.e. 30% of the last drawn RE.

(b)                     Liberalised Dependent Pension. It is granted  to  the  parents,  when deceased was unmarried/not survived by widow or children. It is computed @ 60% of the last drawn RE in case of single parent and @ 75% in case of both parents.

(c)                     Entitlement of Family Pension to Physically or Mentally Challenged Son/Daughter. A physically or mentally challenged child is eligible for OFP for life provided the disability is such as to render him incapable of earning his livelihood and a certificate to that effect is rendered by a Medical Board. With effect from 24 Sep 2012, the OFP shall be payable to physically or mentally challenged son/daughter even on marriage. The individual should take following steps to ensure payment of the entitlement to such children:-

(i)                       The name of the child should be entered in the service records.

(ii)                      The disability of the child be certified by the medical board as desired under the existing provisions.

(iii)                     In the case of mentally challenged child, the individual / his spouse should nominate a legal guardian to facilitate the release of family pension to the child when the contingency arises.

(d)                     Family Pension to Unmarried/Widow/Divorced Daughter. The unmarried/ widow /divorced dependent daughter is entitled to family pension for life.

4.                        Medical Entitlements.

(a)                     Spouse, unemployed sons below 25 years of age and unemployed and unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters are covered under Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS).

(b)                     One time compulsory contribution of Rs 67,000/- for JCOs and Rs 30,000/- for OR will be deducted by PCDA (Pension) to become member.

(c)                     Online application for ECHS smart cards to be submitted on


5.                        CEA.    CEA/Hostel Subsidy Rs. 27,000/- & Rs. 81,000/-per annum respectively upto Class XII per child upto two eldest children for Physical Casualty through R & W Section (DIAV).


6.                        Educational Concessions. Full re-imbursement of Fees, Hostel and incidental charges like transportation and dress charges for wards of Battle Casualty through MOD/ACWF. All death in harness wards are eligible for free class I onwards with max for 2 children for scholarships from R&W section of AG Branch at following rates :-



Dealing Agency


10,000 per annum per child

R & W Section (DIAV)


14,000 per annum per child


20,000 per annum per child


25,000 per annum per child

Professional Courses

Tution fees + 5,000 subject to max of Rs 50,000 per annum per child

Note:        For claiming CEA or Education fees re-imbursement contact your Record Office for formats/procedures.


7.                        Canteen Facilities.        In addition to grocery, widows are also authorized to draw liquor as per last rank held.


8.                        Other Grants/Entitlements.


(a)                     One time grant of Rs 30,000/- as immediate relief on death of individual by AWWA (through Unit).


(b)                     One time computer grant of Rs 35,000/- for children undergoing graduation courses & above from R & W Section (DIAV).


(c)                      Daughter marriage Rs 1 Lakh from DIAV.


(d)                     Re-marriage of widows Rs 1 Lakh from DIAV.


(e)                     Air Travel Concession. 75% concession  in  domestic  flights  by  Indian Airlines to war widows.


(f)                       Higher Education of Widows.




Dealing Agency


Rs 20,000/- per annum

R & W Section (DIAV)


Rs 25,000/- per annum

Professional Courses

Upto Rs 50,000/- (maximum) per annum


(g)                     ACWF. Wef 06 May 2020, One Time Grant of Rs 8 Lakhs (1st Tranche – Rs 1 Lakh by Unit immediately & 2nd Tranche – Rs 7 Lakhs after issue of Battle Casualty Certificate) to NOK of all Battle Casualties and Rs 2.5 Lakhs (Rs 1 Lakh immediately by Unit and Rs 1.5 Lakh after issue of PPO) from Army Central Welfare Fund/ National Defence Fund through AG’s Branch (R&W Sec).


(h)                     Rail Travel Concession.


(i)                        75% concession for travel in Second and Sleeper Classes to War Widows.


(ii)             1stclass/2ndAC/3rdAC/ Chair Car complimentary card pass facility to travel by Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Jan Shatabdi express trains to widows of posthumous gallantry awardees of chakra series (PVC, MVC, VrC, AC, KC & SC) along with a companion, has also been extended to widows of the recipient of the gallantry award on death of the awardee.


(j)                        Reservation of Seats in professional institutes.


(k)                      Allotment of oil product agencies under the 8% Defence Quota.


(l)                        Retention of Govt Married Accommodation.


(i)                        BC Fatal.      For 2 years, extendable by 1 year and further by 6 months on extreme compassionate grounds at Govt rates through Station HQ.


(ii)                      PC Fatal.      For 2 years through Station HQ.


(n)                      War Widow Children Hostel. A total of 35 War Widow Children Hostels have been established at most of the Regimental Centres for both boys and girls. Needy wards may contact the respective Regimental Centres/ nearest War Widow Children Hostel for admission into them.


(o)                      Benefits from State Govt As per State Rules.






9.                        Family Pension.       The NOKs are authorized for Family Pension in case of death of ESM after retirement, rates are given in the following table:-


Type of Family Pension

Rate of Pension

Enhanced OFP/OFP

50% of RE till 07 years from the date of death or till the Veteran would have attained 67 years of age, had he been alive, whichever is earlier, thereafter 30%, if death occurs

after 10 yrs of discharge from service.


10.                    Extended Insurance (AGIF).



Amount (Rs)

Dealing Agency

Extended Insurance (AGIF)

Rs 5 Lakhs will be given to NOK on death of ESM and 7.5 Lakhs will be given to NOK of those members who proceeded on retirement on or after

31 May 22. Applicable if death within 30 years

from discharge or 75 years of age (whichever is earlier)



11.                    PAI Cover.       If indl died due to accidents and have Defence Salary Package Account, in such cases Complimentary Personal Accident Insurance (Death) cover is entitled to pensioners.


12.                    ADLRS. The NOK on the demise of the ESM is entitled to an amount of Rs 10,000/- as Assured Decent Last Rites Scheme (ADLRS). The ESM should have registered himself with the dependent canteen for NOK to avail ADLRS. NOK should visit the canteen manager of the dependent canteen with the canteen smart card and death cert. An application format is given at Appx ‘K’.




13.                    Compensation for Death. Agniveers will not be governed by provisions contained in the Pension Regulations for Army (as amended from time to time). They would be suitably compensated for death. The death for the purpose of provision of financial benefits to Agniveers will be categorized as follows :-


(a)                     Category X.              Death due to natural causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by Military Service.


(b)                     Category Y.              Death due to causes which are accepted as attributable to or aggravated by Military Service or due to accidents/mishaps in the performance of duties including training.


(b)             Category Z.              Death due to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, anti-social elements, enemy, during border skirmishes/ war/peacekeeping operations/aid to civil power etc and during operational preparation and training for war including battle inoculation training/exercises and accidental deaths due to natural calamities/operations specially notified by GoI etc.


14.                    Entitlement on Death/Disability



Entitlements of Agniveers

Death in Service on Bonafide Duty (Cat Y/Z)

Insurance cover of Rs 48 Lakhs

One time Ex-Gratia Rs 44 Lakhs

Full pay of unserved period upto four years (wef date of death) including Seva Nidhi Component.

Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individuals Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Govt of India


Death in Service in not on duty

(Cat X)

Insurance cover of Rs 48 Lakhs

Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individuals Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Govt of India


Disability (Attributable/ Aggravated due to service conditions)

One time Ex-Gratia Rs 44/25/15 Lakhs based on % of disability

Full pay of unserved period upto four years (wef date of death) including Seva Nidhi Component.

Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individuals Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Govt of India


15.                    Impt Contact Nos.


S No

Name of Agency

Contact Nos

Record Office


OIC Records



Col/CRO Records



Duty Clk



Toll free No



E-mail ID of Records







Bn Sub Maj



Duty Clk


Local Establishment


Zila Sainik Board



Nearest Station HQs


PCDA (Pension)


SPARSH Helpline No



E-mail ID








While it is very important for the NOK to be aware of various actions as well as details relating to Army Entitlements & policies, it is equally important for the NOK to be fully aware of various assets created by the individual. Formats for preparing information database on personal financial assets are given in the succeeding pages.



Location & Address



House Property Registration No.



Loan Details



Water Connection Consumer No



Cooking Gas Consumer No



Annual Maintenance Contract Details



Electricity Consumer No



Tenant Details (In pencil)



House Tax Details



Name of the Insured

Insurance Provider

Policy No & Date of Issue

Premium Amount


Type of Insurance (Life/Medical…)

Sum Insured

Date of Renewal (In pencil)
















Name and Address of Bank


Names of 1 Account Holder,

Type of Account, A/C Number & IFSC Code

Names of Joint holders, Mode of Operation & Location of Cheque Book

Login ID







Name of Issuing Bank

Name on Card



Card Number & Validity




Note Don’t operate ATM after death of Holder










Name of Issuing Bank & Type (Visa/Master..)

Name on Card



Card Number & Validity













Name and Address of Bank/ Post Office


Names of 1 Account Holder(s), Type

of Investment, A/C Number & Nominee



Maturity Date












Note:      Also include Fixed Deposits made through ONLINE on Bank Apps.


Name and Address of DP

Names of Account Holder(s) & Nominee



Client ID

Login ID














Company/Agency/ Issuer Details

Account No/ Certificate No

Amount Invested

User ID



Login ID





















MF Scheme & Type of Investment

Folio No

Amount Invested

User ID



Login ID














MF Scheme

Folio No

SIP Amount

Units Held


Start/Due Date

Present Value

















Description of Property (Share of Ownership)

Date & Cost of Acquisition

List of Documents & their Location

Annual Expense/ income
















Model, Make & Registration No.

Date & Cost of Acquisition

Chassis No. & Engine No.

List of Documents & Location


















Vehicle Registration No.

Policy No.

Sum Assured

Premium Amount

Renewal Date





















Description of Jewellery

Date & Cost of Acquisition

Jeweller Name & Address


















Name & Address of Bank

Locker No & Details

List of Contents


Rental Period

Location Locker Key & Passcode








Name, Address & Telephone No of Lender

Amount & Date of Loan

Brief Terms Including Interest rate

Maturity Date & Location of Loan Documents













Name, Address & Telephone No of Borrower

Amount & Date of Loan

Brief Terms Including Interest Rate

Maturity Date & Location of Loan Documents





















Brief Description of Case


Litigation Details


Present Status












Nominee Details & Share

















Personal Certificates (Birth/Marriage/Domicile certificates etc…)


Academic/Education  Certificates (Mark sheet/Degree Certificate etc…..)


Bank Documents

(Passbook/Cheque Book/locker key etc…)


Investment Certificates (FD/Share/Bond certificates etc…)


Insurance Documents (Policy document etc…)


Legal Documents (Deeds/Will/Court Judgment etc….)


Property Documents

(Registered Document/Rental agreement etc…)


Vehicle Documents

(RC Book/Loan Documents etc…)


Income Tax Documents


Health & Medical Documents


Membership Certificates (Clubs/Associations/Professional Bodies etc….)


Digi/Web Locker Information

(Name, User ID, Password, Contents etc….)



Name of Club/ Association

/Agency/Professional Bodies

Type of Membership

Membership No & Validity













Name of the Person


Contact Details (Tele/Email/Address)















Appx ‘A’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)


Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



Sr AO (P)

GI/M (Military Section), Group IV PCDA (P)

Draupadi Ghat Allahabad-211014 UP




Dear Sir,


1.                             I regret to inform you that my husband No                                                                                               Rank Name                                                                                                      

                                       expired on                           .


2.                             He was in receipt of retiring/revised pension of Rs                      /- per month. His PPO No

              dt                     as amended vide Corrigendum PPO      dt                     (Photocopies encl).


3.                             The cause of  death I  given in the  Death  Certificate  dated                                                                                               issued by

                                                         _ (photocopy encl).


4.                             As the cause of his death was due/not due to an accident, FIR has been lodged/not lodged with the Police Station in Sector                    (Copy of FIR encl). - Not Applicable.


5.                             A copy  of  the  Death  Certificate  No                             

                                is encl.


issued  by  the


6.                             The details of my Joint Pension Account held with my late husband and into which his monthly pension was being credited and the details of his bankers is given below:-


Savings Bank Account Details                                                                                                           Banker’s Address:                                                         


7.                             It is kindly requested that the details of my entitled Family Pension plus DA at the prevailing  rates  may  please  be  intimated  to  the  Branch  Manager,                       

                     Branch) with instructions to credit the same into my Savings Bank Account ref to in Para 6 above under intimation to me.


Thanking You,

Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘B’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



The Branch Manager


                                      _ (Bankers)




PAYMENT OF FAMILY PENSION IN RESPECT OF WIDOW OF LATE NO            RANK                                       NAME                             , ARM/SERVICE                                           PPO NO




Dear Sir,


1.                        I regret  to  inform  you  that  my  husband  No                            

                                       expired on                           .




2.                        Vide entry at serial 26 under Section B Family Pension of my late husband’s PPO No

                             I am entitled to Enhanced Rate of Family Pension till                         and thereafter normal rate of Family Pension on his demise.


3.                        Consequent to the Sixth Pay Commission’s Recommendations, my late husband was in receipt of retiring/revised pension of Rs           /- per month vide his PPO and Annexure IV under reference and his pension was being credited into our joint pension savings bank account No



4.                        Vide Annexure IV, I am entitled to a Family Pension of Rs             /- plus DA at the prevailing rates.


5.                        It is kindly requested that the payment of Family Pension plus DA at the prevailing rates may please be commenced with immediate effect.


6.                        A  copy  of  the  Death  Certificate  No                        dt                                                                                     issued by      

                                is encl.



Thanking You,


Your faithfully,


(Mrs                     )







Appx ‘C’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)


Ser No


Documents Required


Insurance cover of ₹ 50 Lakh.

(a)           Affidavit and indemnity Bond as per format.

(b)               Death Certificate.

(c)              Photocopy of AADHAR, PAN and cancelled cheque and form 15



Ex Gratia Allowance. JCOs/OR with 100% disability and authorized Constant Attendance Allowance is granted EX-Gratia of ₹12.5 Lakh.

(a)           Appendix ‘H’ and AFMSF-16.

(b)           Extract of Part II Order for extension of service and bank details.


Sustenance Allowance. ₹12000/- per month per child for two specially abled children (40% disability & above) on demise of Army person while in service.

(a)           Application to AGIF.

(b)           Non-earning cert duly signed by Secy, DSSB.

(c)           Medical Certificate of disability.

(d)           Part II Order of birth of child, disability and death of service person.

(e)           Bank details of Natural / legal guardian.

(f)             Date of onset of disability of the child.

(g)         Certificate from CO, present unit in Part II Order for different abled child

published after death of his father.


Medical Benefit Scheme for Non- Pensioners.  Invalidated out of service and not in receipt of any pension are entitled ₹12.5 Lakh for 100% disability, reduces

proportionately upto 20% disability.

(a)          Copy of Identity Card in original.

(b)           Bank details and Mobile number.

(b)      Photocopy of death certificate.


Extended Insurance Scheme. Rs 5 Lakhs will be given to NOK on death of ESM and 7.5 Lakhs will be given to NOK of those members who proceeded on retirement on or after 31 May 22. Applicable if death within 30 years from discharge or 75 years of age (whichever

is earlier).

(a)          Personal application.

(b)          Death Certificate with Bar code.

(c)           Photocopy of AADHAR, PAN and cancelled cheque.

(d)           Contact Number.


Social Security Deposit Scheme. Insurance benefits to minor child and widows invested by AGIF in FDs till minor child attains age of 15 years and for widow upto 3-5 years. On maturity, principal amount with accrued

interest is paid to beneficiary.

(a)          Bank account details with IFSC code.

(b)          PAN and AADHAR Card.

(c)          Form 15 G.

(d)          Contact Number.


Postal Address.

Army Group Insurance Fund

AGI Bhawan, Rao Tula Ram Marg Post Bag No 14,

PO-Vasant Vihar

New Delhi-110057

Helpline Desk

Tele : 011-26148654, 011-26148055

Mob No-7290090487, 7290090478




Appx ‘D’

(Refers to Page 6 of Folder) BY SPEED POST

Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



Army Group Insurance Fund

AGI Bhawan, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Post Bag 14

Vasant Vihar

New Delhi-110057 (Tele:011-6142793)


INTIMATION OF DEMISE IN RESPECT OF NO                                                   RANK NAME                                        , ARM/SERVICE


Dear Sir,


1.                        Ref AGI Certificate No :                                dt                        .


2.                        I  regret to inform you  that  my  husband  No                                                                                                 Rank Name                                                                                                        

                                       (Retd) expired on                            .


3.                        He was in receipt of retiring/revised pension of Rs                      /- per month. His PPO No

             dt                     as amended vide Corrigendum PPO      dt                     (Photocopies encl).


4.                        The  cause  of  death  is  given in  the  Death  Certificate  dated                                                                                               issued by

                                                         _ (photocopy encl).


5.                        As the cause of his death was due/not due to an accident, FIR has been lodged/not lodged with the Police Station in Sector        (Copy of FIR encl). Not Applicable


6.                        A copy  of  the  Death  Certificate  No                             

                                is encl.


issued  by  the


7.                        As per the AGI Insurance Certificate No            dt                                                                                                        issued by your office he was eligible for insurance cover of Rs 2 lacs upto                                                                                             .


8.                        It is requested that the amount of the sum assured may please be remitted for credit in the Savings Bank Account given below under intimation to me at my home address (given below).



Thanking You,


Your faithfully






Copy to :-


1.                             Record Office Concerned           -                for info with ref to PPO No                                                    

dt                    as amended vide CORR PPO No                     

dt                      .

2.                             Sr AO (P)

GI/M (Military Section), Group IV PCDA (P)

Draupadi Ghat Allahabad-211014 UP



Appx ‘E’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



The Commanding Officer Unit/Battalion




INTIMATION OF DEMISE IN RESPECT OF NO                         RANK NAME                                                   ,ARM/SERVICE


Dear Sir,


I  regret to inform you  that  my  husband  No                                                                                                 Rank Name                                                                                                        

                                        expired on                             due to                                    . Copy of Death Certificate issued by                                                                              is enclosed.







Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘F’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



The Commandant Regimental Centre PIN-




INTIMATION OF DEMISE IN RESPECT OF NO                             RANK NAME                                                      ,ARM/SERVICE



Dear Sir,


I regret to inform you that my husband No                                                                                               Rank Name                                                                                                      

                                        expired on                             due to                                    . Copy of Death Certificate issued by                                                                              is enclosed.







Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘G’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



Zila Sainik Board

(                                (Address)




Dear Sir,


1.                        I  regret to inform you  that  my  husband  No                                                                                                 Rank Name                                                                                                        

                                       expired on                           .


2.                        He was in receipt of retiring/revised pension of Rs                      /- per month. His PPO No

             dt                     as amended vide Corrigendum PPO      dt                     and Annexure IV.


3.                        The  cause  of  death  is  given in  the  Death  Certificate  dated                                                                                               issued by



4.                        As the cause of his death was due/not due to an accident, FIR has been lodged/not lodged with the Police Station in Sector        (Copy of FIR encl). Not Applicable


5.                        Please find enclosed herewith the following documents for your information and records :-


(a)                     PPO No                 


as  amended  vide  Corrigendum  PPO

                        dt                 and Annexure IV.

(b)                     Death Certificate dated                     issued by                                                       )

(c)                      Copy of FIR lodged at Police Station Sector                                                                                      .

(d)                     Three copies of photographs of SELF duly attested.

(e)                     Ex Servicemen’s Identity Card No            dated                                                           issued to my late husband by Rajya/Zila Sainik Board                .


6.                        It is kindly requested that a Widow Identity Card may please be issued to me at your earliest convenience.


8.              Should you require any additional information or documents, please do contact me at the address and telephone No  .



Thanking You,


Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘H’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :




The CSD Manager

(                                (Address of dependent URC)


SUB : REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CANTEEN SMART CARD (EX-SER GROCERY CUM LIQUOR CARD) NO                                                                  ISSUED TO NO                                                                  RANK

NAME                                           , ARM/SERVICE


Dear Sir,


1.                       I regret to inform you that my husband No                                                                                               Rank Name                                                                                                      

                                       expired on                           .


2.                       He was in receipt of retiring/revised pension of Rs                      /- per month. His PPO No

               dt                      as amended vide Corrigendum PPO      dt                        and Annexure IV.


3.                       The cause of death is given in the Death Certificate dated                                                                                               issued by



4.                       As the cause of his death was due/not due to an accident, FIR has been lodged/not lodged with the Police Station in Sector                 (Copy of FIR encl). Not Applicable


5.                       Please find enclosed herewith the following documents for your information and records



(a)                     PPO No                  


as  amended  vide  Corrigendum  PPO

                        dt                 and Annexure IV.

(b)                     Death Certificate dated                     issued by                                                       )

(c)                      Copy of FIR lodged at Police Station Sector                                                                                      .

(d)                     Two copies of photographs of SELF duly attested.

(e)                     Canteen Smart Card (Ex-Ser Grocery cum Liquor Card) No  issued to my late husband.


6.                       It is kindly requested that :-

(a)                     I may please be issued a fresh Canteen Smart Card.

(b)                     I be allowed to continue to avail of the Canteen Facilities, based on the receipt of the documents submitted now, till such time I receive a fresh Canteen Smart Card.


Thanking You,


Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘J’

(Refer Page 6 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :




(Concerned Record Office )





ISSUE OF SERVICE PARTICULAR BOOKLET NO                                                   RANK NAME                                                   ,ARM/SERVICE


Dear Sir,


I  regret to  inform you that  my  husband  No                                                                                                 Rank Name                                                                                                        

                                         expired  on                              due  to                                    . You  are

requested to issue a new Service Particular Booklet in my name. I am enclosing the existing Service Particular Booklet issued to my late husband.







Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘K’

(Refer Page 12 of Folder)




Mrs                                    (Correspondence address)

Tele :                    Mob                     

Dated :



Canteen Manager



CLAIMING OF ADLRS NO                         RANK                 NAME




Dear Sir,


I regret to inform you that my husband No                                                                                               Rank Name           

                                        expired on                             due to                                . May I request you to kindly assist me in getting the amount of Rs 10,000 as ADLRS. I am enclosing copies of old CSD Cards for reference. The amount may be credited to me in account no               --. IFSC

code of bank is        --. I am enclosing a cancelled cheque of the bank as a ready reference.






Your faithfully,


(Mrs    )



Appx ‘L’

(Refer Page 4 of Folder)






1.          Original & Corrigendum PPO.

2.          Service Particular Booklet.

3.          Extended Insurance Scheme Certificate issued by AGIF.

4.         Photocopies of all cards : ECHS Card, ESM Identity Card, CSD Card, Adhaar Card, PAN Card & DL etc.

5.          Passport, Arms Licence & Vehicle Registration.

6.          Copy of WILL.

7.          Login ID & Password of SPARSH, ECHS Etc.


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